We've managed to upload photos! Get to the photobucket link to check it out!!
Post-Pangani life has been interesting!! We've reduced our gear by 50% and are now travelling with only one pack and a smaller backpack! hoorah. Anyways, we left our beloved Pangani Saturday. We made it as far as Peponi's - a heavenly wee place 1 hours drive away from home and figured that was enough travel for the day. We checked in only to find out they were full and so we had to camp under the stars. Another Jeff and Kate romantic moment!!! Except that this time it was disrupted by a dose of weeping and gross conjunctivitis in my left eye!! The next morning I woke with it in the other eye so we decided to move into the resort next door (called "Capricorn"). This resort takes Visa so we felt like we were able to waste time and money with glee! Soon after we checked in Kate developed a nice little case of bung eye for herself. You can picture us sitting there eating our dinner in the most romantic setting yet of our holiday both red eyed and none too pleased!!
Anyways, we soon recovered enough to travel onwards back to Dar es Salaam. We have now been holed up here for a couple of days. On Friday we head to Mbeya in south Tanzania and from there due south into Malawi. We apparently head to Mzuzu and then hang a left and end up in Nkata Bay. We plan to spend a couple of weeks there because there is a cool backpackers hostel there that you can volunteer at. It also looks beautiful!! (http://www.butterfly-space.com/). From there we plan to be in Vic Falls, Zambia for Kate's birthday on the 3rd of June. THen on the 4th of June we depart Vic Falls on an Acacia tour that heads through Botwana and Namibia down to Capetown. We'll spend a few days there and then return back to Dar es Salaam in time for mum and dad's arrival on the 30th of June. Good times.
6 weeks in Africa have passed and we are still going strong!! Dinner tonight might even be lebanese!
Great article about bird flu in the national english newspaper this week: "hundreds worldwide have been infected by bird flu and millions more have died..." - brilliant!
Oh also - we saw a dude with a television on his head. Also another with a toilet bowl. This means we've seen a tv, a toilet and a fridge. It is our aim to see an entire apartment being carried around. Kind of like an african monopoly!
Take care. Tuliakachezi Ka Mandezi (Cool, Crazy like a Banana)
Jeff. Kate.
PS check out the jandal tan...

Hi Jeffand Kate Your paper must be way ahead of ours re Birdflu Nothing around here I suppose if they frighten us all to death less to treat esp the downgrading fianancial reports,,carbon emmissions.growing crop to run cars poeple starving all over globe
Kieth and Helen here couple of nights.helen visit kieth duck shooting G/d 1/2 doz Sat loveG/Gma
Hey guys,
sounds like even with bung eyes you guys are enjoying things more and more the butterfly space sounds like it should be really nice.
Work here is carrying on as usual. Sandi, Sam etc are all graduating today.
Love reading your blog it lets me live vicariously and gives us a morning tea conversation topic. So yes we do sometimes talk about you. Feel lucky..... very lucky
Michelle Cullen
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